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About us:

Finacap Investimentos was founded in 1997 by Aristides Bezerra Cavalcanti and Samuel Emery Lopes, being one of the first independent managers in Brazil. Since then, we have helped thousands of investors preserve and grow their wealth. We surpassed the mark of R$ 1 billion reais in assets under management, which represents, mainly, the trust that Finacap has built throughout its history.

We have been delivering consistent results over these 25 years. Along this time our work  in asset management with brazilian equities markets has multiplied our clients' capital by more than 50 times, with an average annual return of 18%, compared to 10.5% for Ibovespa*. We demonstrated resilience, going through the various economic crises over this long period, with above-average results.​

Image by thiago japyassu

An experienced, independent team with excellent training, which makes investment decisions seeking to generate value and true commitment to its investors. This is Finacap.

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*Read the additional information form, essential information sheet and regulations before investing. Investment funds do not have a guarantee from the administrator, manager, any insurance mechanism or credit guarantee fund - FGC. Past profitability does not represent a guarantee of future profitability, and is not a goal or performance parameter. Profitability data discounted from all costs, except income tax. The profitability considers the period from 05/31/1997 to 12/31/2021 and is formed by a hypothetical portfolio that amends the profitability of the Finacap Fundo de Investimento em Ações (CNPJ 01.645.916/0001-61, started on 05/31 /1997 as Finacap Clube de Investimento) from 31/05/1997 until 31/12/2003, where it starts to consider the profitability of Finacap Mauritsstad FIA (started on 17/12/2003 as Pajeú Clube de Investimento, became Stock Investment Fund on 09/01/2008).


Our philosophy:

The philosophy that guides the way we manage resources is Benjamin Graham's value investing . With a long-term vision, we believe in highly strategic investments, seeking valuable companies and assets sold at discount relative to intrisic value.

“An investment operation

is one that, after in-depth analysis, promises security

of invested capital and a

adequate return.”


- Benjamin Graham, in The Intelligent Investor

What we do?


We manage investment funds.

Do you know what an investment fund is?

It is a fund formed by resources from several investors (shareholders), in the form of a condominium.


The assets of this fund are invested by the manager, who decides the assets that make up the portfolio in search of the best risk-return relationship - according to a previously established investment policy.


The return obtained from investments is incorporated into the quota and benefits investors in proportion to the resources invested.

O que fazemos

Know how to differentiate:


Manager: ​investment decisions , divestment and monitoring of the fund's portfolio of resources.

Auditor: independent figure who issues an opinion regarding the fund’s accounting.

Custodian: financial institution responsible for “safekeeping” assets.

Fiduciary Administrator: ​ supervision of the manager and control of assets and liabilities.

Distributor: ​raising financial resources and distributing fund shares to investors.


JCPM Trade Center

Av. Antônio de  Góes, 60, Sala 201

Pina, Recife, PE - 51010-000

Fixo: (81) 3241-2939

São Paulo

Av. Paulista, 1274, 17º andar

Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, SP - 01311-200


 (81) 99721-0033


Documentos Legais:


©2020 by Finacap Investimentos Ltda


CNPJ: 01.294.929/0001-33


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