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About the house.

Finacap Investimentos was founded in 1997 by Aristides Bezerra Cavalcanti and Samuel Emery Lopes, being one of the first independent managers in Brazil. Since then, we have helped thousands of investors preserve and grow their wealth. We surpassed the mark of 1 billion reais in investor resources, in the areas of fund and wealth management.

We have delivered consistent results over these 22 years. Our oldest fund, Finacap FIA (cancelled at the beginning of 2020) multiplied its shareholders' capital by more than 30 times, with an average annual return of 17%, compared to 10.5% for Ibovespa. We have demonstrated resilience, going through the various economic crises over this long period with above-average returns.

An experienced, independent and well-trained team that makes investment decisions aimed at generating value and true commitment to its investors. This is Finacap. Really long term. Real Value Investing. Truly independent.

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JCPM Trade Center

Av. Antônio de  Góes, 60, Sala 201

Pina, Recife, PE - 51010-000

Fixo: (81) 3241-2939

São Paulo

Av. Paulista, 1274, 17º andar

Jardim Paulista, São Paulo, SP - 01311-200


 (81) 99721-0033


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©2020 by Finacap Investimentos Ltda


CNPJ: 01.294.929/0001-33


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